Connecting with Israel

A love of Israel pervades the Bi-Cultural education, starting from day one in our youngest classes. Events, celebrations, curriculum and exciting special programs always serve to strengthen this bond at every stage. Travel to Israel is a key component of the BCHA educational experience.  Since the school’s earliest years, students in the 8th grade have spent a month in Israel , traveling with their friends, beloved teachers and expert Israeli guides to make a deep connection with the land and the Jewish people. Often, a family Israel trip  is arranged to overlap with the students for a Shabbat in Yerushalayim. Even as Israeli life goes on in the face of global challenges, our love for, and support of our homeland only grows exponentially.

Jewish Past and Present

Davening at dawn atop Masada, exploring caves and caverns, floating in the Dead Sea, snorkeling in Eilat, riding camels across a desert expanse, hiking, rappelling, experiencing the power of prayer at the Kotel, investigating the Kotel Tunnels, sampling new and delicious foods, preparing food for the needy in a soup kitchen, repairing wheelchairs for Israeli senior citizens, touring Israel’s seat of government with a member of the Knesset, learning Torah, meeting and conversing with Israelis from all walks of life, visiting an army base, experiencing Yad Vashem, and so much more. No question, our students are immersed in the Jewish past and present, learning, growing and connecting with the joy of our people, the beauty and meaning of ancient Israel, and the excitement of modern Israel. It is a maturing and sometimes transformative experience. Participation is eagerly awaited from the earliest grades at our school.  

What’s so amazing about Bi-Cultural Hebrew Academy? We’d love to show you!