Scholarships are awarded to qualified families on an as-needed basis. The scholarship application process is designed to be as confidential and equitable as possible.
The scholarship applications and financial information are submitted directly by parents online to Blackbaud Financial Aid Management (BBFAM), an independent third-party service provider used by BCHA and many other private schools, to help manage the scholarship assistance process. At BBFAM, financial aid officers process and analyze the information submitted and issue a report to the BCHA‘s Financial Aid (FA) Committee. The BBFAM report is used as a guide by the FA Committee to determine the amount awarded. No request is considered without an evaluation by BBFAM. Click here to access the BBFAM school portal.
All relevant tax returns and other financial information will be requested through the BBFAM online application. (Three years of tax returns, with relevant passwords, are required, even if you have submitted them in other years.) If there are additional circumstances that you feel should be considered, there is space within the BBFAM application to explain (see “Other Special Circumstances”) so the FA Committee has this information. If a family wishes to appeal the award offered, the FA Committee, at its discretion, may require additional documentation such as 24 months of bank and credit card statements.
There is an expectation that families receiving scholarship dollars will contribute or raise from family, friends, business associates, employer matching grants or other resources, 10% of tuition assistance up to a maximum of $1,250 per year. The dinner journal is a great opportunity to raise these funds.
Ready to apply for Financial Aid? Click here.
If family circumstances have changed since the time of your application, please notify the business office immediately. This includes situations where there was a job loss at the time of the application and subsequent employment has been obtained. All families receiving financial aid may be asked to certify that their financial situation has not materially improved 30 days prior to the start of the academic year for which financial aid has been awarded.
Parents with changing financial needs should immediately contact the Director of Finance, Caryn Feinberg O’Malley, at