Bi-Cultural Hebrew Academy Upper School Students and Coaches Bringing Home Victories in Chess and Robotics

Bi-Cultural Hebrew Academy Upper School Students and Coaches Bringing Home Victories in Chess and Robotics

It’s no secret that the Upper School students at Bi-Cultural Hebrew Academy are leading the way in innovation, competition, creativity, and engineering. These talented students are not just following trends—they’re setting them! 

With exceptional engineering skills, BCHA students are tackling complex problems with precision and critical thinking under the guidance of Dr. Paul Castle, Chair of BCHA’s STEM Department, and Mr. William Berson, who teaches Science in the BCHA Upper School. The students’ hard work and creativity shines through in imaginative projects and original designs, while their innovative spirit drives them to create cutting-edge solutions and impactful contributions. 

Recently, BCHA students advanced to the next level of the CIJE-Tec VEX Robotics competition, where all three BCHA teams qualified for the playoffs. More than 180 students from Jewish high schools in the tri-state area participated in the tournament, including teams from Central-Yeshiva High School for Girls, The Frisch School, Schechter School of Long Island, the Jewish Educational Center, Hebrew Academy of the Five Towns and Rockaway, and Yeshiva Sha’arei Zion.

In addition to the students’ achievements in Robotics, the BCHA Upper School Chess Team also prevailed in the inaugural Rookly Chess Tournament, walking away with a championship win after a highly competitive season. This team was also coached by Dr. Castle and Mr. Berson.

Rookly is an online platform that allows players to conduct matches virtually, which enables play with teams across the country. All games take place on the Rookly platform, which integrates video into the chessboard to make competition immersive. The goal of Rookly is to create a space where students can easily compete against other schools. Both of Rookly’s founders played competitive chess growing up and it was one of the most rewarding experiences of their lives.

One of Rookly’s founders, Amir Moazami, recently attended a very special event at BCHA, where twenty students had the extraordinary opportunity to play against chess GrandMaster Nico Checa. 

In a game format once demonstrated on the popular Netflix series The Queen’s Gambit, Checa played a “simul” – simultaneous matches against all twenty BCHA students, moving from player to player in rapid succession. Following the matches, Dr. Castle congratulated all the participants, noting that GrandMaster Checa was impressed with the students’ level of play and their command over each board.

BCHA students are putting their highly prized STEM learning to work – and play – and representing their school skillfully both in competition and in their day to day achievements. The school community takes great pride in their victories and congratulates these winning teams for their scientific sportsmanship.